reclamation process coal mines

Forest restoration following surface mining disturbance: challenges and ...

Forest restoration following surface mining disturbance: challenges and ...

Surface roughness can be achieved by reduced smoothing and "treading in" of the surfaces during the reconstruction process, ... Zipper C (2000) Coal mine reclamation, acid mine drainage, and the Clean Water Act. In: Barnhisel RI (ed) Reclamation of drastically disturbed lands, 2nd ed. Agron. Monogr. 41. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI, pp ...

Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Benefits of Land Reclamation ...

Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Benefits of Land Reclamation ...

While the successful reclamation of coal postmining land sites in Indonesia has been evaluated, no costbenefit analysis has been carried out on the reclamation of mined land, and the impact of the reclamation work has not been determined. The results of this case study indicate that reclamation work is not an emissionfree process, but that the benefits delivered from this work are considerable.

Land Reclamation Program Frequently Asked Questions PUB2191 Missouri

Land Reclamation Program Frequently Asked Questions PUB2191 Missouri

Are blasting activities regulated at coal mines? Yes, the Land Reclamation Program regulates several aspects of the use of explosives at coal mines. These are. ... As of June 30, 2006, there were two operating coal mines and five in the process of reclaiming, along with eight that had their permits revoked and the Land Reclamation Program is ...

Reclaiming Appalachia: A Push to Bring Back Native Forests to Coal ...

Reclaiming Appalachia: A Push to Bring Back Native Forests to Coal ...

Green Forests Work. Such aggressive bulldozing is part of a new and evolving approach to healing forests destroyed by decades of surface coal mining in Appalachia, from Alabama to Pennsylvania. These lands were supposed to have been reclaimed in recent decades under the 1977 federal Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act.

The Forestry Reclamation Approach: guide to successful reforestation of ...

The Forestry Reclamation Approach: guide to successful reforestation of ...

The land underlying them is also rich in coal, and surface mines operated on more than million acres in the region from 1977, when the federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act was passed, through 2015. Many efforts to reclaim mined lands most often resulted in the establishment of grasses, shrubs, and nonnative plants.

Using POI and time series Landsat data to identify and ... ScienceDirect

Using POI and time series Landsat data to identify and ... ScienceDirect

This study provides a systematic solution and process for monitoring the disturbance and reclamation of surface coal mining in a large range with little known about the mines' location. It can effectively identify the mining disturbance and reclamation process which can also be extended to other areas, providing a quantitative assessment of ...

Legacy pollution: What is it and how is Maryland fighting it to ... MSN

Legacy pollution: What is it and how is Maryland fighting it to ... MSN

Maryland has industries like coal mining in its industrial past, which means it has legacy pollution now. ... adverse effects after the process has finished. ... Mining Reclamation and Enforcement ...

7 Management of CCR in Reclamation Activities | Managing Coal ...

7 Management of CCR in Reclamation Activities | Managing Coal ...

RECLAMATION Reclamation planning is an integral part of the entire mining process and begins before excavation is started. As discussed in Chapter 5, reclamation prac tices are, by definition, regulated by the SMCRA, which established minimum national standards for coal mining.

Federal Register :: Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fee

Federal Register :: Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fee

Title IV of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) created the AML Fund, which is funded primarily by a reclamation fee (also known as the AML fee) assessed on each ton of coal produced in the United States and that, among other things, provides funding to eligible States and Tribes for the reclamation of coal mining ...

DNR: Reclamation: Reclamation Process

DNR: Reclamation: Reclamation Process

Mine Subsidence. Reclamation Process. When subsidence reports are received, staff will investigate the problem to determine if it was caused by an abandoned coal mine. Other potential causes of subsidence include rotting tree roots, water impoundment and drainage issues, broken utility lines, and improper preparation of building sites.

Land | Free FullText | Managing and Reforesting Degraded PostMining ...

Land | Free FullText | Managing and Reforesting Degraded PostMining ...

Mining is one of the most important economic sectors in Indonesia. Mining products contribute up to 17% per year of Indonesia's total export value, and from several major mining products, coal mining contributes a value of % [].Data from verified resources and reserves as of December 2019 showed that coal mining had the potential to reach 88, and 25, million tons, respectively.

Lawmakers Want Answers on Damage and Costs Linked to Idled 'Zombie ...

Lawmakers Want Answers on Damage and Costs Linked to Idled 'Zombie ...

Appalachian Voices estimated that the total cost of outstanding reclamation for all seven states at the time was to billion dollars, and that required bonding programs were likely to be ...

Programs | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Programs | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977 is the primary federal law that regulates the environmental effects of coal mining in the United States. SMCRA created two programs: one for reclaiming abandoned mine lands and a second for regulating active coal mines. To learn about these programs, read the full text of the ...

Reclamation Archives National Mining Association

Reclamation Archives National Mining Association

Reclamation bonds are posted by mining companies to ensure successful completion of the process. Reclamation includes the following steps: contouring of land; placement of topsoil or an approved substitute on the graded area; reseeding with native vegetation, crops and/or trees; and years of careful monitoring to assure success. As surface ...

DNR: Reclamation: Technical Services Worker's Compensation Board of ...

DNR: Reclamation: Technical Services Worker's Compensation Board of ...

Reclamation. Technical Services. The Technical Services Section provides technical assistance to all other Division sections but primary work effort is directed at active mines. Their main responsibility is reviewing the technical aspects of permit applications. Staff provide field advice on technical mining issues and frequently meet with coal ...

Lawmakers want answers on damage and costs linked to idled 'zombie ...

Lawmakers want answers on damage and costs linked to idled 'zombie ...

The findings could lead Congress or the Department of the Interior to take steps to make sure unreclaimed mines get reclaimed, she said. The lawmakers have asked GAO to quantify the number, location and size of coal mines that have neither produced coal or made reclamation progress, and whether bonding or other financial assurances are adequate to address the problem.

PDF Guide for Surface Coal Mine Reclamation Plans

PDF Guide for Surface Coal Mine Reclamation Plans

Nova Scotia Environment, Guide for Surface Coal Mine Reclamation INTRODUCTION: Coal has been mined in Nova Scotia for over 300 years. Surface and underground coal operations have made significant economic contributions to the province, including fuel, steel manufacturing and electrical generation. Excavation is the primary means for

Reinventing coal country: Reclaiming America's abandoned mine lands Grist

Reinventing coal country: Reclaiming America's abandoned mine lands Grist

But as the sun sets on America's coal mining era, new reclamation projects are taking root, transforming scarred lands and contaminated waters into productive resources while creating jobs —...

Reclaiming Abandoned Mine Lands | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation ...

Reclaiming Abandoned Mine Lands | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation ...

The OSMRE Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program addresses the hazards and environmental degradation posed by legacy coal mines. While AMLs can be dangerous and unwelcoming, through reclamation, this land can find a new purpose. AML Fee Collection Status of the AML Fund Distribution of AML Grants Reclamation in Action AML Reclamation Awards

PDF The Coal Mine Abandonment and Reclamation Crisis Document Repository

PDF The Coal Mine Abandonment and Reclamation Crisis Document Repository

The enforcement mechanisms SMCRA relies upon—prohibitions against selling coal or obtaining new permits—are now meaningless to many companies that do not want new permits and have no buyers for coal, making enforcement of reclamation standards even more difficult for s...

Reclamation Process | BNI Coal

Reclamation Process | BNI Coal

That means if the land we mine once grew crops, it must be able to do so again after reclamation. The cost to reclaim one acre of land averages about 20,000 and can run as high as 50,000. BNI Coal has also invested tens of millions of dollars in the equipment necessary for the reclamation process. We will continue to remain at the forefront ...

West ians Could Get Stuck Cleaning Up the Coal ... ProPublica

West ians Could Get Stuck Cleaning Up the Coal ... ProPublica

A proposal in Congress last year would have provided 385 million a year for a decade in general tax dollars to reclaim new mines that coal companies, bonds and reclamation funds were supposed to ...

Phytostabilization of coalmine overburden waste rock dump ... Springer

Phytostabilization of coalmine overburden waste rock dump ... Springer

Due to intensified mechanization and high stripping ratio (OB: Coal), a huge overburden must be takenoff for continuous mining operations. Figure 2 presents India's coal OB generation and stripping ratio in recent years. In 202122, the volume of OB generation aggregated (public) to million cubic meters (MCum) with a stripping ratio of (Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India 2021).

eCFR :: 30 CFR Part 700 General

eCFR :: 30 CFR Part 700 General

The regulations in chapter VII of 30 CFR, consisting of parts 700 through 899, establish the procedures through which the Secretary of the Interior will implement the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (Pub. L. 9587, 91 Stat. 445 ( 30 1201 et. seq. )). Chapter VII is divided into 13 subchapters.

West ians could get stuck cleaning up the coal industry's messes

West ians could get stuck cleaning up the coal industry's messes

The law required coal companies to clean up the damage and restore the hills and creeks, a process known as reclamation. And there was supposed to be a backup funding plan.

Sludge amendment accelerating reclamation process of ... Nature

Sludge amendment accelerating reclamation process of ... Nature

Sludge was added to reconstructed mine substrates (RMS) to accelerate the reclamation process. The effect of sludge on plant growth, microbial activity, soil aggregate stability, and...

Years After Coal Mines Close On Navajo And Hopi Land, Some Are ... KSJD

Years After Coal Mines Close On Navajo And Hopi Land, Some Are ... KSJD

KJZZ. Mining infrastructure remains on the site of the Kayenta Coal Mine two years after it closed. The largest private coal company in the world, Peabody Energy, started mining here in the 1960s. Its lease areas for two adjacent mines, Black Mesa and Kayenta, cover about 100 square miles of Navajo and Hopi land.

Agriculture | Free FullText | Research Progress of Soil and ... MDPI

Agriculture | Free FullText | Research Progress of Soil and ... MDPI

Coal resources have always been in a very important position in the structure of nonrenewable energy in the world [1,2].China is the main coal energy consumer in the word and coal mining has made great contributions to local economic development for years [].According to the statistics, seventyfive percent of the added value of global coal production comes from openpit coal mines.

The new use for abandoned coal mines BBC

The new use for abandoned coal mines BBC

Coal Authority. Mine water is a plentiful source of heat, warmed by geological processes below ground (Credit: Coal Authority) A quarter of the UK's homes sit above abandoned coal mines, long ...

How bankruptcy helps coal industry avoid environmental liability

How bankruptcy helps coal industry avoid environmental liability

The 1977 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act requires coal companies to clean up damage as they mine. When mining is over, the land must be put back to "a condition capable of supporting the uses which it was capable of supporting prior to any mining." That's not how it generally works in practice.

Regulating Active Coal Mines | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and ...

Regulating Active Coal Mines | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and ...

The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977 balances the need to protect the environment from the adverse effects of surface coal mining with the Nation's need for coal as an essential energy source. SMCRA ensures that coal mining operations are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner and that the land is ...